My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (2024)

My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (1)

I’ve admitted it before on my blog and honestly, don’t have to say this outloud because it is very clear to those who know me that I am not “Supermom”. Supermom has never been one of the cape’s hanging in my closet. I have plenty of the “forget to pick your child up from preschool” mom capes and “lock your keys in the car with your kids in it” mom capes, but no supermom capes. Oh, and how could I forget my favorite cape… “Your kid is yelling out curse words in Target” cape. That’s my favorite. Oh yeah.

It is funny to me how something as simple as making a big batch of pancakes, flash freezing them in the freezer, and then heating them up for a hot breakfast for the kids on a busy school morning makes me feel like I could at least have part of the “supermom” cape. I know… it isn’t anything huge, feeding your kids pancakes for breakfast. Sometimes, however, it is that little extra effort that pushes you into the category of actually feeling like you have your act together for once. Days where I feel frazzled to get all 5 of us ready and out the door by the time the school bell rings, having a hot breakfast for them makes me feel a bit like “supermom”. Do you think I can maybe trade the “ooops….I forgot to feed my kids breakfast this morning, here have these smooshed up graham crackers that have been in the diaper bag for six months” cape for an “occasionally when the stars all align I seem to have my act together” cape? Yeah… alright. I didn’t think so.

Big Batch Pancakes

Makes: 30 Pancakes

4 cups all-purpose flour
8 Tbs sugar
8 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt
2 eggs
4 cups milk
1 cup canola oil
2 tsp vanilla

  1. Heat your pan or griddle to medium low heat.
  2. Combine all of the dry ingredients and mix together. Next, add in the liquids and eggs. Mix until smooth.
  3. Pour the mix onto the griddle by scant 1/3 cup. When bubbles form on top, turn over and cook until golden.
  4. To flash freeze pancakes allow to cool on a wire rack. Once cooled, place pancakes, 6 at a time, on a large cookie sheet. Put them in the freezer for 15 minutes. Remove and place in an air tight storage container or freezer bag and put back into freezer until ready to use. Continue until all pancakes have been “flash frozen”. Why flash freeze? Why not skip that step and just stick them in the freezer? Flash freezing each pancake individually allows you to stack them after wards for storage without each pancake sticking to each other. That way, of you want to take out 1 pancake or 5, you can grab them each individually without worrying about breaking and sticking.

Reader Interactions


  1. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (2)Amber says

    I think most moms try too hard to be what TV shows us they should be. I think your beautiful kids are proof that you’re doing just fine.. and you ARE a super mom, just not a super neurotic mom. 🙂

  2. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (3)bridget {bake at 350} says

    I LOVE this! I *really* try to make pancakes before school and freeze the extras. This morning, we had TWO extras. Um, that’s not gonna work. Can you believe it never occurred to me to make a bigger batch?!?

    Bookmarking your recipe…and it looks like I’ll be making it tomorrow! 😉

  3. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (5)Amy from She Wears Many Hats says

    Bwaahahahahaaaa! I’m right there with ya babe. I haven’t made freeze ahead pancakes yet so you’re one up on me. Better grab my cape!

  4. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (6)Mindy says

    Do you reheat them in the microwave, toaster or on a griddle? I’ve thought about doing this (because I’m lucky if I can get a PopTart on the table in the morning), but didn’t know how to reheat them.

  5. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (7)Brooke@foodwoolf says

    I’m not going to lie. I don’t have kids. But I do have a very busy schedule and something of a sweet tooth. So this big batch may have to go and feed me and the husband for a couple of weeks. What a great idea. Thanks!

  6. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (8)Ann says

    LOL, I had a good time reading your Target episode here….I commend you for being TRUTHFUL and HONEST about the whole motherhood journey! This is a great recipe and idea, sometimes my son will ask for pancakes on a random Thursday when I’m just trying to get them out the door. Thanks for the great tip!

  7. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (9)SMITH BITES says

    Agree w/Amber Kristen – you ARE a super mom – just not a super neurotic mom which is what your kids will remember when they get older! And I also make an entire batch of pancakes, then freeze – even though I don’t have kids still at home, I do have a Professor to get out the door pretty early in the mornings – having a stash in the freezer is terrific!

  8. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (10)Robyn says

    I’m crying laughing at the graham crackers. So been there, done that! And yep, makes you feel like crud on a cracker.

  9. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (11)Wendi @ Bon Appetit Hon says

    Don’t sweat the super powers you don’t have and embrace the ones you do. And howsabout you pass me a plate of those pancakes?

  10. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (12)Crystal's Cozy Kitchen says

    The more I get to know moms and since becoming a mom I firmly believe there is no such thing as a supermom – those we see as such are usually women we don’t know very well. I do believe there are some women that find being a mother more natural than others though.
    PS those pancakes look delicious!

  11. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (14)Michelle says

    Great post and I’m sure all of us can relate to it. Well, except for the dads, but you see my point.

    We do the same thing with breakfast. My hubby is the pancake maker and makes HUGE batches every two weeks. It starts the kids’ days off with something wholesome and filling, and makes my life a lot easier.

  12. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (15)Tickled Red says

    Hahahahha…I literally have tears in my eyes. I am right there with you on the graham crackers only mine was a pack of Nab Peanut Butter Crackers. Oh my goodness do I need a new cape 🙂 I have frozen pancakes once or twice but not in a while. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (16)Barbara | VinoLuciStyle says

    In my very humble opinion…you are a super mom. Your kids get fed, right? Have clothes on? Know where you’ll be when they get home? Get homemade pancakes mixed up with the occasional pack of crackers?

    Trust me, many kids would feel that is ‘super’ so how about you wear the ‘I May not always feel it but I’m a super mom’ cape today?

  14. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (17)Marly says

    You have four kids? That puts you in the super mom category by me. I see other moms who seem to have something or other perfect – perfectly clean closets, perfect clothes, clean houses, perfect schedules. I’m just not cut from that cloth. But I do love my daughter…perfectly! And she would love these pancakes! How perfect is that!

  15. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (18)Joanne says

    Aww cute post! To be fair though, my mom did all sorts of crazy things when we were kids and all of us still turned out okay. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. so really, just think of it as endurance training for your kids 😛

    These pancakes look awesome. The perfect fuel for mom-induced boot camp!

  16. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (19)Bess says

    Oh this is SO me! Most Sunday mornings before church are the worst! We are racing around, and it’s usually 5 seconds before we walk out the door that I realize I didn’t feed the kids. So, sippy cups of milk and a banana each are what we end up doing. Pancakes would be a complete upgrade! 🙂

  17. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (20)the urban baker says

    those look delicious! I like how thick they are. yum

  18. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (21)TidyMom says

    I LOVE this post Kristen!!!……..and I was so proud of myself last year when I made a big batch of pumpkin pancakes and I froze them (instead of tossing) and boy did we enjoy having those almost more…….no work, just yummy in my belly! haha!!

    Wear those capes proud girl!!

  19. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (22)Maria says

    I love how big this batch is! Perfect for freezing or a really hungry family:) I can’t wait to see you this week!

  20. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (23)Andrea says

    So sorry to hear about your freezer! The good news is – pancakes are the perfect food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, early snack, afternoon snack, midnight snack…

  21. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (24)Kendra @ My First Kitchen says

    You wear that Supermom cape, woman. I think a mom automatically qualifies as super. And I totally agree; a hot breakfast on a weekday morning is one of those things that creates a really special culture in your family. Totally worth the effort, flash-freezing or not.

  22. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (25)Laura says

    Brill-iant!! Totally brilliant. ‘Big batch’ of anything catches my attention these days, but making a home made meal, freezing and having it ready for chaotic days tops my list of ‘must reads’. Thanks for the tip and idea. (wonder if it works as well with bisquick pancakes, because I make no other – ha, ha. I will give it a go and see!)

  23. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (26)claire says

    You know, we never did this. My dad always made pancakes or waffles on Saturday and then honey buns (oh my how horrid!) on Sunday. However, I think freezing them is a great idea! I made waffles with my new thrift store $5 Krups waffle maker and froze the leftovers. It was so nice to be able to just pull one out the other day when I got home from call and just needed something quick. yes!!!

  24. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (27)Debbi Does Dinner Healthy says

    Freezing these is an awesome idea! I like when you send your kid to the bus stop with a baggie full of cheerios!! You’re thinking, “Just won the greatest mom award there!”.

  25. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (28)Jessica Nunemaker says

    Kid #1 often requests pancakes…I’ll have to try this one! 🙂

    P.S. During pregnancy with Kid #2, my prego-brain tried to pick up Kid #1 from preschool an hour early. Embarrassing? You betcha!

  26. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (29)The Teacher Cooks says

    I love your photo! This is such a time saver even for those that don’t have small children and they are so much better than frozen pancakes purchased from the grocery store.

  27. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (31)Heather Solos says

    Hey, thanks for the link love. That post tickles me because there every day I get a lot of searches for “Can I freeze pancakes.”
    I’m glad it works well for you.

  28. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (32)The Duo Dishes says

    You don’t even have to be a mom to love this; just be a pancake lover. Done it before, and it works awesomely!

  29. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (33)Barbara says

    What a super idea! Wish I had known about it when my kids were little!!

  30. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (34)Deborah says

    Regardless of what you say, I still think you are supermom!! I really need to get a batch of these in the freezer…

  31. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (35)LimeCake says

    Pancakes are my favourite weekend thing. Stacking them high is the only way to go. These look so delicious!

  32. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (36)marla {family fresh cooking} says

    You are superwoman with this giant stack of pancakes! Gosh, I want to be your kid. My kids want you to be their mom. Love your idea of doing the quick cook & the quick freeze. This is the only way to do frozen pancakes. Girl, you rock!! xo

  33. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (37)Aimee @ Simple Bites says

    I want to frame that top photo!! It’s brilliant – and fairly accurate as to how many pancakes we go through in a week around here.

    I’m adding this to my weekend link love. Thanks for the inspiration for those weekday mornings!

  34. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (38)HPD says

    Maybe not SuperMom ©™, but a super mom nonetheless.

  35. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (39)Tara says

    I love that picture!! And I love that if I make 30 pancakes, we might have enough leftover to freeze! Other SuperMom capes..”My child is wearing 2 different shoes & they both happen to be for the left foot.” cape or “Why didn’t you tell me that you had homework before we were walking out the door??” cape. It would be great to have my kids toast their own pre-frozen pancakes so I could finish drinking my coffee while it’s hot.

  36. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (40)El says

    How about a “this woman deserves a month at a spa on Nantucket island” cape? I am utterly amazed by all that you do. I don’t think I could do it. And the pancakes…you can freeze pancakes? Incredible photos…taken by an incredible woman.

  37. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (41)grace says

    so your freezer’s full of pancakes and your closet’s full of capes. awesome. 🙂

  38. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (42)Alecia says

    I am going to try this! Thanks so much! It would be a major timesaver. I have been substituting all of the flour in recipes with whole wheat flour for about 6 months, and every recipe has been fine. So, I will do that here. Just wanted to share!

  39. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (43)Do choi oto says

    The subsequent time I read a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I imply, I do know it was my choice to learn, however I truly thought youd have something fascinating to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about one thing that you possibly can fix if you werent too busy searching for attention..

  40. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (44)Aaron says

    Lovely, I eat such batch at least twice a year after a nice workout in the gym…

    I don’t like pancakes too much, but once or twice a year I get the strong craving to eat as much as I can with tons of syrup and milk.


    Tomorrow is the day

  41. My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (46)Bri says

    We are a family of 4 kids as well and I appreciate these pancakes because they will feed the entire family and still have a few left over! Now that I’ve made this recipe as is about 3 times I’m starting to experiment with different ratios of whole wheat and AP flour. I usually use almond milk (only 3 -3 1/2 cups as 4 made my batter too thin) I’m also trying to adjust the oil content. These are GREAT pancakes but I personally notice the oil in them so going to try subbing some butter (or maybe applesauce) and see if it gives it a less “greasy” feel. Again, everyone LOVES this recipe the times I’ve made it as written..just getting comfortable and branching out.

    Thanks for creating a wonderful go-to recipe I can experiment with and feel like a real chef! haha <3 mamas gotta help each other out and stick together…comparison is the thief of joy. I wonder if we'd all feel adequate if we quit getting our "standard" from everyone around us and just embraced where God has us in the now and who He has made us t be -the strengths, weaknesses, warts and all!


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My Many Non-Supermom Capes (Recipe: Big Batch Pancakes) (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.