Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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ft SIDELIGHTS INAUGURATION of Radio Programs verge on beinr Stewart The writer also Adolf erandchh was ex had srt Britain credits pun rainfall for the 24 on Tur aged State Deaths 12:00 AV 1:00 1 39 Nc 1:45 4 CO SYNOPSIS rntnr NBC Blue will broad en Heard News Dieter upon sei said that the girl have moved neare from the west side to the the Sandfort road 3 private open to 08 28 Col Williams Major Jacobs 17 32 LEE PICTURED AS COUNSELLOR OR DEENSE 51 11 19 60 US war :66 27 39 62 13 48 46 36 43 19 33 32 33 36 41 18 23 38 36 9 27 53 40 them When rure we re safe IHfiddle with a match box and if you feel safe pull the nma itunt about my dropping the box that ANTI WAR HEAD HITS BRITISH CREDIT TALK Dieky sent me the signal I had been cubconadoualy dreading Danctnr Miisis Orehesr tone Rsrjr mew wor Si ejn tere gwre wire Jat Melton Owe ef I Lore rv nbc )a Relieved by the Knowledge that the Police Will Trail Them Madge Resumes the Drive io New York you Madge?" he asked NEGRO STRIKE AT TUSKEGEE IS SAID ENDED Work Of ourth Reconnais sance Troop Outlined On Weekly Army Hour nauguration Events Listed DeL was CAPT ALDRICH SPEAKS AT 43 02 la The World MsniaUm Melodic Vila Gilbert As SullWaU Ted Steel and HU Novatsno Hour th A7 Verne Marshall Says Eng land Able To Meet Obligations Italian Editor Says German War Machine Stronger Than In 1940 Carolyn chuckled again and turning the ignition key again 1 put the car gear and swung it out in traffic speak to me I said loftily "unless absolutely light giggle punctu ated my supposedly ill tempered speech won't mind if I talk to poor neglected sorrowful Uncle Dicky will she gurgled and I was instantly on the alert Classes To Be Resumed Un der Normal Conditions President Says usly Dr Gilmore confirmed that quadruplets were but declined to give further details 11 Inches tall They have been married four years and liven Wicker ntK5nie'H Hedda Hopper Carol Marah Concn ebs EMxte Capu Healy wat only Reveries by Orchei rbe rrd ehatn Aim KitcneU nbc wj en Hud Barton swxolue cbwo by jLOwry Kbhler mbkehin Warden Db wel Lovell Thomas New Js baa Address Over NBC Given On 134th Anniversary Of Birth pliment to him I It proves that I physically I and mentally a I tine human specimen or he I would not have I passed exam ination by the selective service This was the first word writ'rn on the card ostensibly containing direetions for his procedure in cor recting his ownership which Dicky had handed me with the license and over my reading wnich he had staged pretended indignation It was not written in larger type than the others but almostillegibly at the left of the first sentence so that if even Carolyn had seen hat side of the card she uld not have deciphered the warning But I read into it all the caution in driving and the need for alertness in meeting unex pected situations which a warning in letters ten feet high could pos sibly have given me "Cop spotted these birds where they were parked waiting for Dicky's message went on not sure but he thinks the older man at least is a man At any rate they and their car are open to suspicion He thinks they saw prowling police car and beat it but eops will trail along after us keeping out of sight WASHINGTON (AP) Here is the program for inauguration (Time is Eastern standard) 10:30 civic work and widow nt Horace Lorimer former a sad andv eM CBS CTt Oreh cawiIB oi yuiton lewti Jr mss chsn wr nse I Thr as Wr rac bWe ehla Political differences were fa gotten tor the occasion Governor Eugene Talmadge of Georgia who has been defeat ed by both of them termed Senators George and Russell of Georgia "the two best sen ators in the United HOT STOVE LEAGUE LOURISHING The first meeting of the available credits clse and outside the British WiN: Gsbr ble WASHINGTON Jan (AU) The highest ranking non sioned officer in the arnv Sergeant Albert Buy will guard the president's i' tomor row when ranklin takes the for a ilmu 'erni Baty has carried the pres dents flag in four prevlou' injugut urns' those of Coolidge Hoover and Roosevelt DY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ROME Jan 19 One of authoritative ascist writers indi cated today in Premier Musrolini owne newspaper that a tremen dous Nazi offensive might be ex pected in about two months Mario in an article in Il Popolo Italia of Milan ob served that Germany hud piled up rust supplies this winter and added: English high com mand has not more than 70 odd js left to obtain that strategic success in the Mediterranean which is the basis for the whole English war plan for 1941" Appelius did not specify on which front the expected of tensive would start but usually reliable sources noted various possibilities veeludmg a drive through the southeast towards the Dardanelles an attack on Gibraltar through tjpaln or an attempt to take Da kir or England itself Surplus Material Tru cr Ue Dr ifiJU and Balt roiram TCbi WAbc Boa tee Ctertar Comment bs The Soks Emr Dv Ne a ix 4cw The "I Maa wee Jerry Sear Orchsir fC Ver A 5t' 'VK Moar' Jlry of HQUf By CHAMLES 8TEWABT Central Preaa Columnist TO SPEAK Of a young man as having been drafted into Uncle Sam'a military aervice or to Titer to him aa a conscript almost a severely pumsn able offense these times The chap by no means is I drafted Hc selected which 42 29 62 56 51 St 49 33 50 Mldn'xht mSi mldv The 24th Infantry riders de feated the reebooters 13 to 5 in a one stded match played on rench field at ort Benning Eunaoy afternoon The Infantry four mands sacrifices of which 'the noisy the unthinking and the over confident should be warned in ad Cold Wave SaidMoving Eastward rights once Ganfain Comae DlaviO for the 21th Infantry ran wild at the expense of the reeboot ers counting seven of his 11 goat Captain McNeely No 2 scored three points and Captain HiU No 3 scored one Colonel Herren No 4 goals each for the reebooters Umeups were reebooters Capt Marshall Col Herren Doping (Continued rom Page ') A'an Houten football coach at Marist Junior college and Buck Anderson assistant coach at Lanier high school Louis Van Houten former Mar Dt mentor is now athlete director Benning 3 Ciuj You Top Contented nbc neai iiRtrd Drax A4 Gay wabe Comrmsx on New mb we? Who wor wiS wol cklw DaacUi Mutic ccba chain Oaace Uuk Or abc rasL Barna As Alien sruna abc lte QiuxieL Wir Ne la VXeer Paseani mb ar Kf n4 abc! rn red WtiXf? abc rr4 est Nrw: Dnein Me nc wj in oicrnnieii 'h' editor of Saturday Evening Post died today of a heart ail ment ounder and president of the Republican women of Penn sylvanis she was in her Lite six ties tr rt ximmarv WtelU Cl reebooters Beaten By One Sided Score Of 13 To 5 Sunday Afternoon and Col Los Angeles onet Williams tied with twoiLouisviRe tmals each for the reebooters INemphis Miami Minn St Paul Mobile New Orleans New York Norfolk Pittsburgh Portland Me Portland Ore Richmond St Louis San Antonio San rancisco Savannah Tampa Vicksburg Washington Wilmington KIU Jr Iri 10C Ir Tm cBs JC r' Mi'c we mas 5 Having done so he becomes a se lectee Hr ought to be proud of it Drafted? A conscript? Heavens no! Thoe are unpleasant terms They hint at compulsion All s' rtn of pains were taken to dodge their employment in the wording of theelective service law Anyone who uaes either one of them is due for a stem calling down from selectiveervice headquarters One of these headquarters' main Ide as is to make the training tremendously popular Oh yes all right if you to call a selectee a instead When a boy has the good fortune to get by the board he initially ap pears before questioned as to any peacetime craft he may hap pen to be skilled in and if of a nature calculated to make him es pecially useful in some particular line of military activity the board recommends him to the army folk accordingly H's nicer for him to get into one of these specialists" branches than to serve as an ordi nary buck private in the ranks where likely to be directly shot at if we actually become in volved in war The army people however don Invariably act on the original recommendation This Can Happen or instance suppose a a competent auto mechanic The board indorses him as a machinist He reports for duty The hard txsilesi army officer in charge ex amines his credentials Then heays Come out and take a at Ohr tanks nearby' See if you can work No a tank's operated very dif ferently from an automobile' It hasn't rhe or engineermx an auto has Except that they re both automotive tanks and autos have precious little in common So the kid completely muffs his test "Such being the case" says the officer due for four prelim inary months of regular rank and file traimnr Bv then miybe youTl have learned enough for a bit classier duty" Why they arsign that se lectee to an auto Ln preference to Henry A Wallace vice president elect was presentedwith a gavel today the handle of which was turned from one of the original bowling pins of the iirst bov ling alley in Wis consin The gavel made by Terrett Arndt of Elkhart Lake VV is was presented to Wal lace by Charles Broughton Democratic national commit teeman tor Wisconsin Extra beds had lo be set up in the White House to accommodate jn et th circus ot rv Daily Chuckle On wf Herr lf llcSr Thcv13 Tatum Summery 9:15 Toramr Tuckrr Time 30 Dream Time 10 Tatum's ine Edition Ait TflJnt Ho Tatum's Nes T'lmorrrv COOXLY ATLANTA Jan Robert Lee Cooney 76 New York Life inatire stmpany cwctine died at his home here today He was born at Seaford but of his early life spent ui New Orleans La wtt t'i the York company was an office boy when he is 11 H' tv be come cashier of the New Orleans Office By ASSOCIATED PRESS A lifer xero cold wave which has held of the mlduest In its grip for two days moved eastward last night while the weather bu reau predicted frosts for sec tions of northern lorida The respite from the cold was expected to be brief however since govern ment meteorologists reported that a mass of cold air was moving across sections of Can ada and would probably reach the great plains states Mon day night Morning Accident Results In Injury Of 2 Arrest Of RICHMOND Va Jan General Robert the Confederate chieftain tured on the 134th anniversary of his birth today as a present coun sellor of national defense Dr Douglas reeman who wrote a Pulitzer prize winning bi ography of Lee said in an address 04 er Blue network that correspondence as command er of of the most successful armies of modern should be Ih gutdinz the individ ual citizen and the nation in de cisions which must be made now The address was a part of she annual Joint observance ot the birthdays of Lee and General Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson Dr reeman editor of the Rich mond News Leader is a close stu dent of military affairs and serves as chairman of the Virginia de lense council first counsel today Dr reeman said would be to impress on every citizen a realization of the of choice and Laving Jr determined what he would do ta flinchingly to do second counsel to the ua Dr reeman continued "that war calls for full prepara Lion that provocation should be (avoided long as possible while since we no attention to insidious comments or Dicky said lottily and then be gan a running chatter to whichhe eagerly responded and which kept up for miles and miles of the broad highway along which I was sending the car at as swift a pace as I dared go without arous ing Carolyn's suspicions It was not until we were within O4TII iiir A XITDV Weather Record in nirnnini WINS POLO GAME £iufi 2 05 Todsy in 2 yfus ic ifcR Ortn 'ReTft 5M Ct th Thunibr iU 3 T'h Pou? B1f Ccncrrt 'HJ ef ihe 4tr 4 Tstsrn cl th Miuk'il Moment rank anu PUnUt Answering that question rather common talk that preft army men entirely hi sympathy with the home board's policy of representing military life as something perfectly heavenly The professionals have their or ders to be sure to treat selectees with alleonsideration They carry out these instructions too in pub lic In herding a bunch of rookie' into their coaches in railroad sta tions with lots of civilian bystand ers looking on and listening offl cerdom Is as polite as punch The inductees (that's another name permissible to call 'em by) have elegant accommodations also Pullmans and all that sort of stuff But when they arrive at canton ments it begins to be in the army At least so I hear from some ef the professionals themselves No Coddling The professionals unmistakably believe Ln coddling They believe In it for the selectees' 500 (The there major rc broadcast th MRS bcginrinc it' bioadcsst 11:15 a and CBS and NBS at 11 :30 a hr of inrugura! pa ip I 30 2 30 vched'i'ed ire MBS 1:45 3:30 CBS and NBC Blue and Red 2:30 3:00) BOSTON Jan Verne Marshall hinnj' I the No oreign War committee as serted tonight that reports of exhaustion of her dollar credits in the United States were Speaking" in 'historic 'aneull hall the Cedar Rapids Ta editor told the American mother's neu trality league In a prepared ad dress that has in this country alone credits sufficient to make many times the cash purchases made by her of Lnce the beginning ot me he said i nere excess of seven billions of dollars and that top of this" huge turn England has more than fifteen billions where "Calling for defeat of the lease lend bill' to aid Britain pending congress Marshall said: plsu of the Roosevelt ad ministration to compel the tax pavers of the United States tofi nance war of Imperial ism In which democracy receives not the faintest consideration will result in financial and economic calamities here at home" The listing of that bill as num a in iii ue iiutm was of the scheme to propa gandize us back again into Eu ancient and endless ko nomic governmental political and illogical war" Marshall called on critics' of his committee to exactly how this timeless slaughter overseas protects democracy and thereby protects the United States" he wd an Impossl bility or democracy is not and never was the real issue in the Old everlasting war in which an occasional armistice must be agreed upon in order that gov prepare themselves for intensified battle a few year? later' Is the greed of Europe gm ernmente for power and dominion which Keeps sms war gtwig and on you did before Then the eops will stop trailing I made up my mind that it would be a long Um before I gave him the signal he had indicated but with an imperturbable face I turned the face of the card toward the ownership license and taking the big envelope from the com partment tucked the' two into it and replaced the envelope Carolyn's New Game certainly givee you minute I said I shut the compartment door you sure have tried to digest every one of Dicky retorted acidly hope they give unit fhm oIam aateako Slewart Army Does Not Use Kid Gloves On Hotels turned away hun dreds Of applications for rooms and official said a serious housing shortage was in prospect Many homes were thrown paying visitor but the sup plj ui such rooms hausted early The California State society of Washington had to hurry through a luncheon for visiting dignitaries today because members of the lorida State society of all peo ple had next call on the dining room srl Alto hoe Bt A UC' re nsc SEYMOUR ATLANTA ton Edwin Seymour' construction i an to executive and former chief engineer of the Helena Ark levee district died here today Seymour was vice president of MacDougald Construction company of Atlanta Born in Coffeyville Miss he had made his home in Georgia for 15 years and at one time was connected with the state Tiighway depart ment' HEARD "A't Jan 19 (Spe cial Mr and Mrs John Ram cy spent the day Tticsdav with their brother family Mr end Mrs Bush Marmn Bodenheimer cf High Point returned to his home this week after spending the hili davs here wit friends Mrs Anthony ani Mr Hill Blalock pf Phenix City spent the day with Mr and Mis Mill Bush recently Mrs rances Buh who is 90 years old spent the day recent ly with her son and daughter Mr and Mrs Bush Mr and Mrs Vcwi atkman have mm ed nearer tommuw the Sandfort road Mr and Mrs Lon Bush and yV La AlV Mix in 'wja rm Van Ijne Sc Met goad Baines Car ii53 A a nn te Creeer Board cf th t3 Wtnt Ad Column of Mi Binytrr Sim Muu' aS Afnrkn 3 i vur 1 1 Shtil In essentials they're admirably provided for fed on the fat of the land better many of them than they probably were fed on where they came from Delica cies are included gnmdrnps etc queried a young shavetail professional I talked with the other day we going to make soldiers out of selectees by handling 'em as softies until may be chucked into action and have to shoot and be shot no implication that the trainees are deliberately hazed by the professional gang in canton ments but extremely obvious that the regular fighters down to top sergeants anyway are doing their best to toughen up They save to do it surreptitiously how sver They could be openly sum nary with drafted conscripts but tot with inductees trainees and (electees Meiel dock CM Titun Sunsanktj 1 Alam Cfc Osa Tatum Ki el ih HSHf U5 WtMIt Ue Neai IIS Church in toe Wildwood Ci Jiise tsd I fU4n' ifte Rease C) ot Ih Hour 9 Program Resarne Stell Unger Ct cm It Ma'i Parade ot use s'rs 10 Tnlam or Har Hi OV Tto M' cy A SKtul to Marriage Meddltft By ADELE GARRISON gurgled out as naturally as if she did not have a care in the world although I knew that her eyes must be feverishly searching both aides of the road in the hope of discovering the bullet proof car and its occupants Madge given me her permission yet" she said and in her voice was the conviction held by to many modern girls and the type has existed since eave man days that any man could be won away from his wife should a girl care to exercise her charm upon him as far as you like Carolyn" I said laughing shall be glad to have him entertained Per hapa you can coax him back to Eleanor McDaniel 7 wndc 1 111' Talbotton avenue was treat ed at the City hospital yestm Jay afternoon for injuries sustained with when she ran into the side of a car aa she was crowing Tal botton avenue She suffered minor abrasions about the legs and back Milledge Willis 19 negro 1924 North avenue was arrested by police on a charge of driving an automobile with no brake Witnesses said that the girl wa croai east DR IE EDMONDSON MOULTRIE i'a Jan J9 (AP Dt Turner 1 cr Ml prominent" physician died in' a 'Ojpioi lcse ic nift't He had been I'll sewisl mordbs A native of Quitman he came to Moultrie shortly after the World War in which he served as a firstlieutenant in the medical corps presence of police and many people neshtrent ine case alten local i chapter of toe Hot Stove league I will be held at toe Dr Pepper i hall tonight with several local luminaries of toe diamond sport speaking answering questions and being present If toe local Hot Stove league is half as successful as the Tacoma Wash chapter it will be one of which local baseball fans can be 'proud The Tacoma league nia i si in ception January 27 HUO when a group of 250 rabid far met fur a get together os tee gueMs of the president the Tacoma Basebai club Tn less than a month toe membership had grown to more than 800 Recentlv the roll has grown to os er 4300 A Jacoma at torney Heeled president the organiaztlon Among the ements of the chapter was to promoton of a hiH baseball tournament when no organization wa willing to assume tne financial risk the sponsorship of a base ball jamboree wmh attracted a record crowd to a Yakima Tacoma Western International league Baseball game toe promotion of a post season football clash be tween a pair undefeated Jege teams which drew 15000 grid fans So all you hot stovers get on out to the' Dr Pepper hall tonight and fire away with the Ques tion about ti majors Elmer Rd at innati Red Purler Will be on the a itness stand tonight answer any and all questions asa him by local baseoali addicts mrsTlohimer dies PHILADELPHIA Jan Mrs Alma Ennis Lorimer prominent in ennyR ania polit' crl and City Experiences reezing Weather Turned up coat collars and ap ple red checks and now testified to the correctness of the thermom eter outside the police station which registered a low ot 31 de grees at 1235 this morn ing A chill wind gave every indica tion that the mercury would tum ble still lower before dawn roixxgf a high of 45 degrees during day the thermometer began mg early in the evening Suftdayli low was 34 degrees recently with Mr and Mrs Rush Nearly everybody has had BERLIN Jan mail Washington IT sailots who tore consulate in San rancisco and assurance ot the righi hont tlrn fh" again with American protection It was understood here that the protest was made I A er 1 ex 11 trt tormaliy wj'h no note ix iag Liiie h'a'Cb The 'titliur'rei! mcc apps: tnUy ne unaWatelt 5 its of th United States over tne incident had been forwarded from Washington by the state departme In a Sunday mtlht Jtatmtonl an aut mrized spokesau declarH tie i cl'icn two IJ sauor in ripping qwn jne Swastika ill San and sen had created a very imp in rliu that "there should be an ''i'lic two men ver members O' the American amcc tin il tu il csutati yet they tore lite fr rim the rriHMilate in the 1 ''rhik nriliTf vrr c'dr I i verv Iwi impression to all officials la 4 "i ivn rtrtf 5 nr tv in HISS uon nas urea "A ith "i Sccrewrv hII ays a people are he hml not av it in connection with tms ai fair It was a verv icurettaWe affair i uitra the British coat of arms has been on til? door of Bnsh embassy on the Wilhemstrasse curing toi rS it nnr 'watched hv policemen vet people have disturbed it Nothing has ever happened to That affair in rancisco can only be spoken of as a scandal I fn egedng comments were made be tore was nw ie known ofric i ifiy in Berlin that an apology hacj been offered) Charge Affaires Said To Have Been Instructed To Make Request Germany Seeks Right To Hoiat lag With American Protection 1 1 1 irr lodar the German ciarge uamie ld beer iusuucied a utHshmenr oi trc 1 A TV 's ft low tbe Nari nwn ui around her shrewd young brain She had infinite confidence in her ability to eharm anything mascu line to the point where he would forget everything else and a pro cession of young college men had done everything in their power to foster that belief She had no hope of swerving me from my purpose of taking her hom*o to her mother and I did not think she was fatuous enough to believb she could eoax Dicky 0 her get away But she was counting I was quite sure on getting attention so diverted that she might be able to seixe some chanes to slip from our custody will you little gyurir Dicky asked theatrically know how lonely and ne glected I am sometimes You see my wifs understa me But I can see you are divinely vmnathetic Will you let me tell you all about myself?" Carolyn's laugh at his nonsense 7 Hucr mm uwmew bt he BveS pare terial already piled up and the uehrer's promise of victory for the German people in 1911 power ot toe German mili tary machine will be greatly su perior in to spring of 1941 to that of the spring of he wrote "Germany has used six months of winter to increase her forcesDuring the winter layoff the Ger many general staff has been busy partly in increasing the quantita tive and qualitative power of her military system and partly iri weakening the forces of the enemy and his breathless preparations with inexorable me thodicalness through continuous air bombings and submarine warfare War Itooty enormous war booty from Holland Belgium and rance has favored German power through utilization of the captured material Dismembering the Mag 1 inot line has given Germany be sides thousands of cannon a ma of military material upon wduch rance spent fantastic am President Roosevelt' attends services at SU Episcopal church a President leaves White House for Capitol Pres i nt la' sth of office delivers inaugural address and returns White House rm Buffet luncheon at White House cw ef TcJ planes Inaugural parade be ns President re i sstate governors Tea at White Hi se cr Capitol ceremonies at Girl Is Treated or Car Injuries Quadruple Births Reported Expected In Indiana City MICHIGAN CITY Jan 19 Mr Eva Swanson 3S waa to BL An hospital today watt ing to undergo a caesarean operation lor multiple births possibly quadruplets her phy sician Dr A Gilmore aaid The unusual operation waa acheduled foe a (Centos I standard time) tomorrow The wife of Melbert Pare JMy Nazi Offensive May Be Expected In Two Months Writer Predicts WASHINGTON Jan Weather bureau record of tem 'perature andhours ending eipa! cotton elsewhere Station Alpena Asheville Atlanta Atlantic City Birmingham Boston Buffalo Burlington IChicago scored 1 1 i Cincinnati points they having been given ajCieveiand two handicap However the Denver reebooters benefited as a pony Detroit kicked toe ball through the up IXuuth rdMJ No 4 ort Worth palveston Havre Jacksonville Kansas City Key West Little Rock TUSKEGEE Ala Jam (AP) Dr Patterson presi dent of Tuskegee Institute said tonight a strike of several hun dred students "definitely has end and that classes would beje sumed under normal conditions tomorrow Approximately 55 were sus pended yesterday as strike lead ers after many of the huge negro 1400 students declined to attend classes in protest against food and service in the dining hall and what they termed ''too strict" regulations Highway patrolmen were placed rn at the school after the strike developed Wednesday but Capt Kimbrough said to night all had been withdrawn ex cept two regularly on duty in the vicinitys Wilbur Hines Wilmington vice president of the student council termed the strike a cess" and declared that "we were assured there would be improved conditions in thr dining hall and cuts from classes (icjuiting from the strike) would not De Two persons were injured and one arrested to an early morning accident at toe intersection of ourth avenue4and Twelfth street esterday Allen Richards 19 negro of Chipley was arrested on a charge of reckless driving after toe truck he was operating collided with a taxicab driven oy Willi 24 2222 rntra avenue Louis Bailey 20 negro of Chipley a passenger in the truck! driven by Richards was treated at the City hospital at 9:30 yesterday morn mt for a lacerauop on the right side of' his face General Stephens 42 negro S44 Lane a passenger the taxicab was treated for a cut above the left eye Police reported that Willis was driving south on ourth avenue and started to cross Twelfth street when he Collided with the truck driven by Richards who had been 1 1 xrrexf A and who ran through a stop sign toe might of the nation is being Both vehicles were badly dam made dynamic and that war de Although still In its infancy the ourth Reconnaissance Troop is giving some of the best training available to Its personnel Capt Aldrich told a radio audience on the Columbus Army und Naw A Army Hour last night A Captain Aldrich gave a resume ot the activities Of the which as activated Aug ust 1 1940 when a training cadre of twenty enlisted men was sent here from ort Oglethorpe to train the recruits here troop was organized as the primary reconnaissance ele ment of the ourth Division com posed of units that can be sepa rated into three distinct combat teams We operate in front of the division on most missions and gam initial contact with the enemy: To those of you who are not familiar with military terms consider us as the scouts" Captain Aldrich stated Pointing out that the men en tering the Troop have proven themselves tn be excellent soldiers Captain Aldrich said that this troop's program demands a large number of aoeciallsts in order to adequately perform the missions' assigned to it program provides for every man to learn to operate and fire five different weapons to main tain operate and use across rough terrain four different motor ve hicles: and to operate and main tain radio said Cap tain Aldrich in listing some of the training given the men A the eyes of the ourth Divi sion Captain Aldrich declared thatU tarn pt main mission is to get out in front pen to Tletcher nf the Division and survey or iook ovr the territory through which the Division must pas The func tions performed bv te troop baIcally cavalry junctions The Cotumbus Enquirer Mondy Morning January 20 Punishment of Sailors a 1 AT Is Reported Asked By Nazis Three Are Treated or Minor Wounds A recalritinnt piece of stove wood sent Jimmy Howard 32 negro 3'7 Nineteenth street to the City hospital yesterday after noon for' treatment ot a laceration on the left side ot his face He said he was cutting stove wood when a piece flew tip and struck hEarl Monday 7T9 3 2fi Eighth avenue received treatmen early yesterday morning for lacerations on the hand and He stated that he received the cuts in a fight on Eighth avenue What he had always been told would happen if he ran around with a stick in his mouth did hap negro 1343 Twenty second street yesterday afternoon He was treated for a stab wound in the loft ide of his face which he said but he when he ran mtn a gr ativ speeded up through tnrdooi "hue holding a sno in ns ue of mechanized equipment imoiith jn Of ALLS A thA when she 3 ran fete th kid Of toeee enuoren og MT 8 in the prto growing areas and High I nw Precl 17 9 07 33 24 3S 30 35 35 91 38 33 18 16 04 28 28 25 17 0 25 16 21 17 01 53 30 23 15 12 6 60 26 62 29 51 32 47 30 43 45 01 35 11 68 63 42 19 To 2Hh Inf No I Capt No 2 Capt Me Neeley No 3 Capt 2'o 4 Capt Cornog.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.