How do I open the Lunar Client mod menu? – Gaming FAQ (2025)

First, begin by pressing Right Shift to open the Lunar Client mod menu.

All jar files used by Lunar Client can be found in ~/. lunarclient/offline/multiver/. Jar files that can be overwritten follow the <Mod Name>-<Minecraft Version>-<Mod Version>. jar format.

All jar files used by Lunar Client can be found in ~/. lunarclient/offline/multiver/. Jar files that can be overwritten follow the <Mod Name>-<Minecraft Version>-<Mod Version>. jar format.

In Lunar Client, we include several third-party open-source mods to improve the gameplay experience. This page details where to find licenses for those mods, how to replace them with builds of your own, and where to find source code for the builds we ship.

LunarClient is property of Moonsworth LLC.

Can you use Lunar Client without buying Minecraft?

Is Lunar Client really free? Lunar Client is completely free to use, and you miss out on zero features! However, if you would like you can support us by purchasing cosmetics in-game to improve your look, show off to your friends and improve the way your character looks at

Can you play Minecraft bedrock on Lunar Client?

Lunar Client requires you to either own a copy of Minecraft: Java Edition, or have access to it through Xbox Game Pass on the Microsoft account that you will be signing in with. As of June 7, 2022 you can claim Java Edition for free if you have purchased Minecraft: Bedrock Edition previously.

How to use replay mod in Lunar Client 2023?

Replay Mod will start recording when joining a server (if the setting is turned on) or you can simply start recording by pressing Escape and navigating to the “Start Recording” button. A HUD mod will appear letting you know when you are actively recording gameplay.

What is Lunar mod?

The Lunar mod adds lunar events to the world of minecraft. The mod currently adds the following lunar events: Bad Omen Moon: As the night unfolds, be prepared to face heightened dangers. The Bad Omen Moon fills the air with tension, granting you the ominous Bad Omen effect throughout the night.

How do I view a MOD file?

If you are going to play MOD files on your iPhone or Android smartphone, Xmp Mod Player (Android), PureModPlay (iOS), and VividTracker (iOS) are practical and free MOD players for you. Note: MOD video files can be opened with any player that supports MPEG-2, but may be changed into a . mpg extension.

What are all the mods in Lunar Client?

Minecraft Mods in Lunar Client (Defaultly Active)

  • 1.7 Visuals.
  • Armor Status.
  • Boss Bar.
  • Chat.
  • Cooldowns.
  • Coordinates.
  • Direction HUD.
  • Freelook.

What is the best client for FPS?

Feather Client

It is one of the most optimized clients to date, and when compared to running Vanilla Minecraft, many players have said that it gives them amazing FPS.

Is Lunar Client a hacked client?

Lunar Client is not a hacked client or cheat that grants players an unfair advantage.

Is Lunar Client 100% free?

Lunar Client is completely free to use, and you miss out on zero features! However, if you would like you can support us by purchasing cosmetics in-game to improve your look, show off to your friends and improve the way your character looks at

Is Lunar Client a Minecraft mod?

Say goodbye to the days of having to manually install and update your mods. Lunar Client is an all-in-one modpack that includes, and automatically updates, all of your favorite mods.

Is lunar client for Java only?

Lunar Client supports all modern versions of Minecraft: Java Edition, starting from 1.7 and going up to the latest version, 1.19.

How many users does Lunar have?

750,000 users and counting

Today, more than 750,000 people use Lunar to spend, save, invest and grow their businesses.

Why is Lunar Client broken?

This error occurs primarily because of missing or corrupt Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or insufficient RAM allocation in Lunar Client’s settings. Other possible causes include piled-up cache folders, interference from other gaming clients, or your antivirus software blocking the client’s processing.

Are Lunar Client mods free?

Lunar Client is a free all-in-one Minecraft mod pack that offers many features, such as higher performance, a large selection of mods, cosmetics, and much more.

How to add Minecraft mods?

Step 1: Navigate to Blocklauncher and install the popular, useful app that’s widely used to load mods. Step 2: Follow the app’s directions, as BlockLauncher will give you different instructions based on the type of device you’re on. Step 3: Return to the Google Play Store and download Mods for Minecraft PE.

Does Lunar use Optifine?

On Lunar Client, the Forge module is bundled with Optifine so that you’ll still experience an FPS boost in Minecraft on top of being able to play with additional mods.

Is it safe to download from CurseForge?

The bottom line is that using CurseForge (Website or app) is safe and widely regarded as the most accountable source for mods and addons.

How do I open the Lunar Client mod menu? – Gaming FAQ (2025)


How do I open the Lunar Client mod menu? – Gaming FAQ? ›

To access Lunar Client's mod menu, press the Right Shift key to open the mod menu (or whichever key bind you have set for the mod menu). As we go over these mods, you may either scroll around to locate these mods or access the search bar at the top right to begin searching.

How to open Lunar Client settings menu in game? ›

First, begin by pressing Right Shift to open the Lunar Client mod menu. Afterward, go to Settings > General. Next, you will be prompted with the settings screen, which will have the cosmetic options at the top of the page.

How to open Lunar Client mod? ›

After launching Lunar Client, you need to press the RShift button on your keyboard whilst in-game. Next, click the Mods button that will appear on the screen.

How do I open the Lunar friend menu? ›

You can invite your friends using the Lunar Client Friend Menu or the player's chat box, both can be accessed using Shift + Tab.

How do I open Lunar Client launcher? ›

How to Use a Lunar Client?
  1. Navigate to the settings section of the launcher, as shown below. ...
  2. Click the down arrow button🔽 beside the Launch button so that you can select the version to be launched. ...
  3. Once you have selected the preferred version, the players must click the launch button.

Is Lunar Client cracked? ›

Lunar Client needs a premium Minecraft account to be used and does not work without it but this crack made by PrimeTDMomega (thats me) that does not require a premium Minecraft account and can be used in launchers such as TLauncher or even the Official Minecraft Launcher.

Does Lunar Client allow mods? ›

After starting Lunar Client, you will need to press the R-Shift button on your keyboard and click the Mods button that will appear on the screen. Now, you'll be presented with a large list of highly customizable Minecraft mods that can be enabled by simply clicking on the toggle.

Is Lunar Client safe? ›

Lunar Client strives to meet all of the Hypixel Network's guidelines for allowed modifications. This means that Lunar Client fits into all of the above categories, and is safe to use.

Can Lunar Client play with normal Minecraft? ›

Lunar Client is compatible with any server that supports the vanilla game! Meaning that as long as the version you are playing on is supported, you are always able to connect.

Is Lunar Client Java or Bedrock? ›

Lunar Client requires you to either own a copy of Minecraft: Java Edition, or have access to it through Xbox Game Pass on the Microsoft account that you will be signing in with.

How to turn on cheats in Lunar Client? ›

Can cheats be enabled in single-player mode on Lunar Client? Yes, it's possible to cheat in any single player world even those with cheats off. All you have to do is press escape, click open to LAN, World Name, New World9, Game Mode: Survival, Allow Cheats: OFF, click cheats to on and press on.

How do I open the Lunar mod menu? ›

To access Lunar Client's mod menu, press the Right Shift key to open the mod menu (or whichever key bind you have set for the mod menu).

How do I open Lunar Client settings? ›

To access Lunar Client's launcher settings, open the Lunar Client Launcher and then click the Settings tab at the top. Once you've opened the settings tab, you should see the RAM Allocation slider in the middle.

Why did Lunar get rid of the Replay mod? ›

In May of 2021, we first implemented Replay Mod in a flawed manner without proper consultation and wasn't fully compliant with the GPLv3 license. We removed the mod from Lunar Client when we were notified by the mod's maintainer, Johni, and returned to the drawing board.

How do I get the Lunar Client shortcut? ›

Lunar Client
  1. Step 1: Navigate to Lunar Client's file path. Press the Windows key and R at the same time. Copy and paste in "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Programs\lunarclient" without the quotes, then click "OK".
  2. Step 2: Create a shortcut. Right click on "Lunar Client.exe", then press "Create shortcut".
Oct 8, 2022

How to change hud on Lunar Client? ›

Go into the HUD editor by hitting Right Shift, and drag the popup anywhere to your liking! Click and drag on the corners of the popup location to increase or decrease its size (or use the scale option in the Item Tracker mod).

How to set keybinds on Lunar Client? ›

Enabling Lunar Client Keystrokes

Press the Right Shift key to bring up the Lunar GUI, click on Mods, then search for Keystrokes. The Keystrokes icon should appear, click on the red “Disabled” button, and it should turn into a green “Enabled” button.

How do I open the Lunar Client folder? ›

Instructions (Windows) Step 1: Go to the Lunar Client directory Press the Windows key + R Type in . lunarclient and hit Enter Step 2: Loc... Lunar Client logos next to names indicate that a user is currently playing on Lunar Client.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.