Guacamole: The Ultimate Recipe - Honest Cooking (2024)

Beloved by foodies everywhere, guacamole should be on every home cook’s repertoire. And we have the perfect recipe.

Guacamole, everyone’s favorite culinary delight, traces its roots to the Aztecs of 16th-century Mexico, where avocados were held in high regard. This vibrant mash-up, once a mere sidekick to traditional meals, has now grown into a global gastronomic phenomenon. It was the Spanish conquistadors who brought guacamole to Europe, setting the stage for its international journey.

The reason guacamole is probably my favorite side dish, is that it works so amazingly well with almost anything. Of course, the usual suspects. Tortilla chips. Tacos. Burritos. But there’s almost nothing that doesn’t benefit from a side of silky, slightly chunky, flavorful avocado symphony. Serve it with grilled steak, delicious. Marinated seafood? Amazing. A tray of crunchy vegetables? Salivating.

Guacamole: The Ultimate Recipe - Honest Cooking (1)

What’s really cool about guacamole, is that although it obviously sits incredibly well in its native Mexican cuisine, the original recipe can be altered to work with everything from Mediterranean to Asian flavors. A hint of rosemary and your guac is a perfect addition to your Italian charcuterie board. A dash of sesame oil and some toasted sesame seeds on top, and you’ll have a delicious companion to your grilled Thai shrimp kabobs.

Today, whether a simple mash of avocado, cilantro, lime, and salt, or adorned with pomegranate seeds and served in upscale eateries, guacamole stands as a testament to cultural exchange, showcasing how food, over time, transcends borders and becomes a shared language.

Guacamole: The Ultimate Recipe - Honest Cooking (2)

The Not So Secret Secret

The main secret to making the best possible guacamole is actually hiding in plain sight. It’s really all about the avocados. Good quality fruit, with the perfect ripeness are key to succeeding with this recipe.

Now, I know supermarkets are sometimes not reliably selling prime-ripeness avocados, so personally I always have 5-10 avocados sitting out on my counter close to a window in various stages of ripeness. Even if you buy them rock-hard, a couple of days by the window will ripen them, and as they hit their prime, I either use them or put them in the refrigerator where they will keep in the same state for up to a week. Meanwhile, I keep buying new unripe avocados to keep my guacamole-pipeline running.

This way, you’ll always have avocados at the ready and you don’t have to rely on your local supermarket to always supply what you need – and it’s a much less stressful approach than trying to panic-ripen avocados the same day you need them.

The rest of the ingredients matter too, of course, but less so than the star of the show. As long as you make sure to use fresh chilis, fresh herbs, fresh lime juice and tomatoes, you really can’t go wrong. The only thing you need to figure out is whether you want your guac chunky or smooth. Everything else will take care of itself.


A lot of guac recipes use Fresno chilis, but I am partial to the heat of jalapeños. Just a word of caution, as jalapeños are notoriously difficult to predict the heat level of, make sure you taste a slice before you throw everything into the mix.


I love Campari tomatoes for their sweetness and snappy skin. They add warmth and umami to the guacamole, but I know some people think tomatoes are guac-heresy, so feel free to omit. Also, my only tomato advice is to stay clear of watery greenhouse tomatoes as they really don’t add anything to the final product. If you only have access to those, I’d say – leave ‘em out.


Here’s where your personal taste comes in again. I’m a garlic lover, and although guacamole shouldn’t taste like tzatziki, I probably use a little more than most. You can definitely stick to just one clove of garlic if you’re not as big of a fan as I am.


Another matter of personal preference is smooth vs. chunky guacamole. Personally, it depends on what I am serving the guac with. If I’m doing tortilla chips, I’m going chunkier, but if I’m serving it on the side of some grilled seafood – I like a smoother, saucier consistency. What I will say though, is I never blend my guacamole! It’s manual labor or bust.


Another slightly controversial part of this recipe is that I like to chill the final product for about 15 minutes before serving. No, it doesn’t turn brown, and yes, I think it gives the flavors a little time to settle in.

Ok, now you have the basics and you’re ready to go.


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Guacamole: The Ultimate Recipe

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  • Author: Kalle Bergman
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Beloved by foodies everywhere, guacamole should be on every home cook’s repertoire. And we have the perfect recipe.



  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 medium size lime, juiced and zested
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 medium sized cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 jalapeño, seeds removed
  • 1/2 bunch of cilantro, finely chopped
  • 2 campari tomatoes, finely diced
  • 1 medium size shallot, finely diced


  • In a large bowl, mash avocado with lime juice, salt and pepper with a spoon or fork until desired consistency.
  • Add jalape?os, shallots and garlic. Gently fold until well mixed.
  • Put in refrigerator for 15-25 minutes before serving.


  • If you don’t want to refrigerate your guacamole, you can also leave at room temperature for 20 minutes before serving.
  • Experiment with flavors. Add 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1/2 tsp of fish sauce and top with sesame seeds to go with Asian dishes.

Guacamole: The Ultimate Recipe - Honest Cooking (4)

Kalle Bergman

Kalle Bergman is a food writer and media entrepreneur who is the founder of Honest Cooking and PAIR Magazine. As a food writer, his writing has been regularly featured in publications like Gourmet, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post and Serious Eats. He is obsessed with simple food, more often than not from his native Scandinavia.

Guacamole: The Ultimate Recipe - Honest Cooking (2024)
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