17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (2024)

As important as the big bird is, don’t forget to make one of these Thanksgiving bread recipes this Turkey Day!

After all, you’ll need something to mop up all those yummy juices!

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (1)


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Of all the incredible Thanksgiving sides, bread gets the least love.

Most people just pop open a can of biscuits and call it a day. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

But if you want something extra special, check out these Thanksgiving bread recipes.

From tender breadsticks and cornbread to fluffy dinner rolls and pumpkin bread, there’s plenty to love.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (2)

1. Pumpkin Bread

This pumpkin bread recipe is a triple threat!

It looks lovely, it tastes mouth-wateringly delicious, and it makes your whole house smell fantastic while it’s cooking.

Better yet, it only takes about 15 minutes to prepare, plus another 50 to bake.

And it features all your favorite fall flavors, including pumpkin, cinnamon, brown sugar, cloves, and nutmeg.

2. Breadsticks

Breadsticks are another one of those things you can pull out of the frozen aisle at Walmart.

But why do that when you can make the fluffiest, softest, and butteriest ones yourself?

These are simply divine, and you can make them – believe it or not – in just an hour!

Plus, you can customize the taste by topping them with butter and your favorite dried herbs.

3. Spoon Rolls

If you’d love to make homemade rolls but don’t have the time on Thanksgiving, these spoon rolls are the ideal option.


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You can make the batter from six common ingredients – active dry yeast, water, butter, egg, sugar, and self-rising flour.

And you can even make them up to four days before you need to cook them!

Bake them three or four days later, and they’re still as buttery and delicious as ever.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (3)

4. Condensed Milk Bread

Making condensed milk bread takes some time, but the result is 110% worth it. It’s the softest, airiest, fluffiest bread you’ll ever put in your mouth.

And it’s so buttery that it nearly melts on your tongue. I’m telling you, it doesn’t get much better than that.

5. Homemade Pizza Bread

Having a non-traditional Thanksgiving with pizza, pasta, and other Italian-themed dishes?

Then this homemade pizza bread is the perfect addition.

It has a delightfully crispy crust but is soft and pillowy on the inside. It’s also cheesy and made for dipping into marinara sauce.

6. Swirled Herb Garlic Bread

Garlic herb bread is my favorite kind of bread anyway. But when you make gorgeous swirled herb garlic bread, that’s even better.

It takes nearly 3 hours total, but you expect something that both tastes and looks this good to take some time.

Plus, it’s supremely buttery, cheesy to the max, and of course, garlicky and herb-flavored to the extreme.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (4)

7. Squaw Bread

Made with whole wheat and rye flours, this bread recipe is as hearty as it is tasty.

It’s also incredibly soft and fluffy and sweetened with either molasses or honey. Yum!

8. Cranberry Orange Bread

If you’re looking for a sweet bread recipe to serve for breakfast, snacks, or after-dinner dessert, check out this one for cranberry orange bread.

The sticky orange-vanilla glaze on top is so good, it’ll make you groan, and the bread itself is just as tasty. It’s full of orange juice, orange zest, cranberries, vanilla, and more.

Every bite is like a sweet, slightly tangy mouthful of perfection.

9. Butternut Squash Rolls

These warm, crumbly rolls are dense, herby, and perfect with a pat of butter.

Because you’ll make them with sage, they also complement your Thanksgiving dressing flawlessly.

And the butternut squash gives them a rich, earthy taste that’s out of this world.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (5)

10. Cornbread

Cornbread is another one of those delicious holiday treats that can sometimes be too dry, but this moist cornbread takes care of that.

And don’t worry; the outsides stay perfectly crisp and crumbly as cornbread should be.

But thanks to the mixture of cornmeal and flour and a whole cup of buttermilk, it’s moist on the inside.

11. Onion Bread

If you’re the kind of person who thinks onions make everything better, then you’ll love this homemade onion bread.

It’s wonderful and smells fantastic, too. If you really want a burst of umami flavor, you can add just a dash of fresh garlic, as well.

12. Garlic Bread

Here’s another great recipe for homemade garlic bread that doesn’t require you to do nearly as much work as the swirled recipe above.

In fact, it’s so easy to make that you can have it on the table in just 20 minutes. It’s cheesy, buttery, and absolutely overflowing with garlicky goodness.

Plus, it has super crispy edges and soft, melt-in-your-mouth insides, making it perfect for dipping into sauces or leftovers.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (6)

13. Honey Beer Bread

If you’re looking for sweet, soft, and simple bread, you cannot beat honey beer bread. You can make it in just 50 minutes with only four ingredients.

So if you have some self-rising flour, sugar, honey, and a bottle of beer sitting around your kitchen, put them to good use making this phenomenal bread.

14. Quick and Easy Butter Croissants

These flaky, buttery croissants are heavenly, and the process for making them is super simple.

They do, however, take some time (mostly resting and rising time), so don’t wait until the last minute and try to make them. It won’t work.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (7)

15. Dinner Rolls

When it comes to pillowy, perfectly golden-brown dinner rolls, no restaurant beats Texas Roadhouse, which is why this Texas Roadhouse copycat recipe is one of my favorites.

They take some time to make, but when it comes to homemade dinner rolls, it’s hard to find any that taste better.

16. Bacon Cheddar Bread

This is homemade bread filled to the brim with thick, salty bacon and gooey cheddar cheese. Does it really need any more selling points than those?

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (8)

17. Biscuits

And for those of you who prefer biscuits to other types of bread, don’t worry; I didn’t forget about you!

This copycat Popeye’s biscuit recipe will blow those canned biscuits right out of the water.

They’re flaky, soft, and have buttery, golden tops that make them look as appetizing as they taste.

Trust me on this: You will love them, and so will all your Thanksgiving guests.

17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (9)

17 Easy Thanksgiving Breads


  • Select your favorite recipe.
  • Organize all the required ingredients.
  • Prep a Thanksgiving bread in 30 minutes or less!
17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (10)

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17 Easy Thanksgiving Bread Recipes (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.